A société de financement spécialisé is a specialised finance company incorporated as a société anonyme or a société par actions simplifiée.
The company shall indicate its status as a specialised finance company on all deeds and documents intended for third parties.
Articles L. 214-177 to L. 214-179 apply to specialised finance companies.
For the preparation of their annual accounts, specialised finance companies are not subject to articles L. 123-12 to L. 123-21 of the French Commercial Code. Their annual financial statements are prepared in accordance with a regulation issued by the French Accounting Standards Authority (Autorité des normes comptables).
The articles of association of a specialised finance company are published by extract in the Trade and Companies Register. The information that must be included is defined by decree.
The articles of association of the specialised finance company and the documents intended to inform investors shall be drawn up in French. However, under the conditions and within the limits set by the general regulations of the Autorité des marchés financiers, and with the exception of the extract referred to in the fifth paragraph, they may be drawn up in a language other than French that is customary in financial matters.