The Articles of Association of a SICAV or the regulations of a fonds commun de placement shall determine the duration of the accounting periods, which may not exceed twelve months. However, the first financial year may extend over any period not exceeding eighteen months.
Within six weeks of the end of each half-year of the financial year, the SICAV and the management company, for each of the funds it manages, shall draw up an inventory of the assets under the supervision of the custodian.
These companies are required to publish the composition of the assets within eight weeks of the end of each half-year of the financial year. The statutory auditor checks the composition of the assets before publication. At the end of this period, any shareholder or unitholder who so requests is entitled to receive the document.
The SICAV is also required to publish its profit and loss account and balance sheet at least thirty days before the General Meeting called to approve them. It is exempt from publishing them again after the General Meeting, unless the latter has amended them.