In the absence of an agreement reached before 30 June 1986, or if no agreement has been reached on the expiry of the previous agreement, the scale of remuneration and the terms of payment of the remuneration are decided by a commission chaired by a representative of the State and composed, in equal numbers, on the one hand, members appointed by the organisations representing the beneficiaries of the right to remuneration, on the other hand, members appointed by the organisations representing the persons who, in the branch of activity concerned, use phonograms under the conditions provided for in 1°, 2° and 3° of Article L. 214-1.
The organisations called upon to appoint the members of the commission and the number of people each is called upon to appoint are determined by order of the minister responsible for culture.
The committee decides by a majority of its members present. In the event of a tie, the chairman has the casting vote.
The commission’s deliberations are binding if, within one month, its chairman has not requested a second deliberation.
The commission’s decisions are published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.