The net income for the financial year of an undertaking for collective real estate investment is equal to the sum of :
1° Income from property assets, including rental income from furnished property, as referred to in 1° to 3° and 5° of I of Article L. 214-36 in the case of a société de placement à prépondérance immobilière à capital variable and in 1°, 2° and 5° of I of the same article in the case of a fonds de placement immobilier, less the corresponding fees and charges;
2° Income and remuneration from the management of other assets, less the corresponding costs and expenses;
3° Other income, less management fees and other fees and charges, which cannot be directly attributed to the assets referred to in 1° and 2°.
The procedures for allocating the fees and charges in 1° to 3° are defined by decree.
For the purposes of this article, income and capital gains realised by a company referred to in 2° of I of article L. 214-36 and by a real estate investment fund, a professional real estate investment fund or a body governed by foreign law, as referred to in the last sentence of 1° of article L. 214-37, are deemed to have been realised by the real estate investment fund to the extent of its direct or indirect rights in this company or in this fund.