The employer shall enter into negotiations with the representative trade union organisations in the company on additional ways of exercising trade union rights.
These negotiations will focus in particular on the following points
1° The time available to each employee, without loss of pay, to take part in meetings organised by trade union sections within the company and during working time;
2° The conditions under which employees who are members of trade union organisations that are representative in the company may obtain, within the limit of a quota determined in relation to the company’s workforce, a suspension of their employment contract in order to carry out, for a fixed period, permanent duties in the service of the trade union organisation to which they belong, with a guarantee of reinstatement in their job or an equivalent job at the end of this period;
3° The conditions and limits under which the members of representative trade union sections in the company, entrusted with responsibilities within their trade union sections, may be absent, without loss of pay, to take part in statutory meetings of their governing bodies and to exercise their responsibilities;
4° The conditions and limits under which members of trade union sections, entrusted with responsibilities within their trade union organisations, may be absent, without loss of pay, to take part in trade union meetings held outside the company;
5° The conditions under which the collection of union dues may be facilitated.
Trade union organisation(s) that have not signed the agreement referred to in this article are deemed to adhere to this agreement, unless they refuse to do so within one month of its signature.