The management report, the inventory and the annual accounts drawn up by the managers are submitted to the shareholders’ meeting for approval, within six months of the end of the said financial year.
To this end, the documents referred to in the previous paragraph, the text of the proposed resolutions as well as, where applicable, the auditors’ report, the consolidated accounts and the report on the management of the group are communicated to the shareholders under the conditions and within the deadlines determined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat. Any deliberation taken in violation of the provisions of this paragraph and of the decree adopted for its application may be annulled.
Any clause contrary to the provisions of this article and of the decree adopted for its application is deemed unwritten.
The I of Article L. 225-100-1, article L. 225-102-1 and, for companies covered by chapter X of this title, articles L. 22-10-35 and L. 22-10-36 apply to the management report when all the shares are held by persons having one of the following forms or by foreign companies having a comparable legal form: société anonyme, société en commandite par actions, société à responsabilité limitée or société par actions simplifiée.