The public establishments for intercommunal cooperation and the Lyon metropolitan area, when they have adopted the territorial climate-air-energy plan mentioned in Article L. 229-26 of the Environment Code, are the coordinators of the energy transition. Within their territory, they lead and coordinate actions in the field of energy that are consistent with the objectives of the territorial climate-air-energy plan and with the regional climate, air and energy plan, or the regional plan taking its place, adapting to the characteristics of their territory.
In order to meet the objectives set in the preliminary title and in Title II of Book I of the Energy Code, the public bodies mentioned in the first paragraph of this article, the other public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation which have adopted the plan mentioned in the same first paragraph on an optional basis and the syndicates exercising the competence mentioned in the second paragraph of IV of Article L. 2224-31 may, in particular, carry out actions aimed at controlling network energy demand from end consumers supplied with gas, heat or low voltage for electricity and support actions aimed at controlling energy demand on their territory.
These actions may also be aimed at controlling energy demand from consumers in situations of energy insecurity. The public bodies mentioned in the second paragraph of this article may, in particular, offer aid to these consumers by paying, in whole or in part, for insulation, thermal regulation or energy consumption regulation work or the acquisition of low-energy domestic equipment. This aid is the subject of agreements with the beneficiaries.
The public entities mentioned in this article may undertake, on behalf of their members, studies and all or part of the work required to improve the energy performance of buildings owned by these members. They may finance these studies and works. To this end, agreements are signed with the beneficiary members.