The members may not, except unanimously, change the nationality of the company. Subject to the eighth paragraph of Article L. 223-18, the transfer of the registered office is decided by one or more partners representing more than half of the shares.
All other amendments to the Articles of Association are decided by partners representing at least three quarters of the shares. Any clause requiring a higher majority is deemed unwritten.
However, for amendments to the Articles of Association of limited liability companies formed after the publication of the loi n° 2005-882 du 2 août 2005 en faveur des petites et moyennes entreprises, the General Meeting may only validly deliberate if the shareholders present or represented own at least one quarter of the shares on first call and one fifth on second call. If this quorum is not reached, the second meeting may be adjourned to a date no more than two months after the date on which it was convened. In either of these two cases, amendments are decided by a majority of two-thirds of the shares held by the members present or represented, with the exception of the transfer of the registered office, which is decided by one or more members representing more than half of the shares. The Articles of Association may provide for higher quorums or a higher majority, without being able, for the latter, to require the unanimity of the members.
Companies formed prior to the publication of the aforementioned Law no. 2005-882 of 2 August 2005 may, on a decision taken unanimously by the members, be governed by the provisions of the third paragraph.
The majority may in no case oblige a member to increase his corporate commitment.
As an exception to the provisions of the second and third paragraphs, the decision to increase the capital by capitalisation of profits or reserves shall be taken by the members representing at least half of the company shares.
Decisions taken in breach of the provisions of this article may be cancelled at the request of any interested party.