The agenda for the meetings is set by the author of the notice of meeting.
However, one or more shareholders representing at least 5% of the share capital or a shareholders’ association meeting the conditions set out in Article L. 225-120 may request that items or draft resolutions be included on the agenda. These items or draft resolutions are entered on the agenda of the meeting and brought to the attention of the shareholders under the conditions determined by decree of the Conseil d’Etat. The latter may reduce the percentage required by this paragraph when the share capital exceeds an amount set by the said decree.
The meeting may not deliberate on an issue that is not included on the agenda. Nevertheless, it may, in all circumstances, dismiss one or more directors or members of the Supervisory Board and proceed with their replacement.
The agenda for the meeting may not be amended on second call.
When the meeting is called to deliberate on changes to the economic or legal organisation of the company on which the works council has been consulted pursuant to l’article L. 432-1 du code du travail, the latter’s opinion is communicated to it.