Any shareholder has the right, under the conditions and within the time limits determined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, to obtain communication of:
1° The annual financial statements and the list of directors or members of the management board and supervisory board, and, where applicable, the consolidated financial statements;
2° The reports of the board of directors or management board and supervisory board, as applicable, and of the statutory auditors, if any, which will be submitted to the meeting;
3° Where applicable, the text and explanatory statement of the proposed resolutions, as well as information concerning the candidates for the Board of Directors or the Supervisory Board, as the case may be ;
4° The total amount, certified as accurate by the statutory auditors, if any, of remuneration paid to the highest paid persons, the number of such persons being ten or five depending on whether or not the number of employees is at least two hundred and fifty;
5° The total amount, certified by the statutory auditors, if any, of payments made pursuant to the 1 et 5 de l’article 238 bis du code général des impôts ainsi que de la liste des actions nominatives de parrainage, de mécénat;
6° (Abrogated)