The reports and formalities mentioned in Article L. 225-129-2, in the second paragraph of l’article L. 225-131, in 1° of Article L. 225-136, to the articles L. 225-138, L. 225-142 and L. 225-143, in the last paragraph of article L. 225-144, to the articles L. 225-145 to L. 225-147, in the penultimate paragraph of article L. 225-149 and to article L. 225-149-2 may give rise to an injunction to do as defined in articles L. 238-1 et L. 238-6.
Decisions taken in breach of the first paragraph of articles L. 225-129 and L. 225-129-1, the first two paragraphs of article L. 225-129-2, the first paragraph of article L. 225-129-6, the first sentence of the first paragraph and the second paragraph of article L. 225-130, the first paragraph of article L. 225-131, and the second paragraph of article L. 225-132.
Decisions taken in breach of Article L. 233-32 as well as decisions taken in breach of the provisions of this sub-section 1 other than those mentioned in the second paragraph of this article may be annulled.
The articles L. 225-127 and L. 225-128, the first paragraph of articles L. 225-132 and L. 225-135 and article L. 225-140 are not subject to this article.