The voting rights and dividend rights of shares or share denominations issued in breach of this sub-section are suspended until the situation is rectified. Any vote cast or dividend paid during the suspension period shall be null and void.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Commercial code | Legislative part | BOOK II: Commercial companies and economic interest groupings. | TITLE II: Provisions specific to various commercial companies. | Chapter V: Public limited companies. | Section 1 : Formation of sociétés anonymes. | Subsection 2: Formation without a public offer or with a public offer referred to in 1° or 2° of Article L. 411-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code or in Article L. 411-2-1 of the Monetary and Financial Code. | Article L225-16-1 of the French Commercial code
The voting rights and dividend rights of shares or share denominations issued in breach of this sub-section are suspended until the situation is rectified. Any vote cast or dividend paid during the suspension period shall be null and void.
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