The Extraordinary General Meeting may also authorise the Board of Directors or the Management Board, as the case may be, to grant to some or all of the company’s salaried employees, options giving entitlement to the purchase of shares arising from a buyback carried out, prior to the opening of the option, by the company itself under the conditions defined in Articles L. 225-208 or L. 22-10-62. The Extraordinary General Meeting sets the period during which this authorisation may be used by the Board of Directors or the Management Board, which may not exceed thirty-eight months. However, authorisations granted prior to the date of publication of the loi n° 2001-420 du 15 mai 2001 relative aux nouvelles régulations économiques are valid until their expiry date.
In this case, the provisions of the second and fourth paragraphs of article L. 225-177 and article L. 22-10-56 are applicable. In addition, the share price on the day the option is granted may not be less than 80% of the average purchase price of the shares held by the company under Articles L. 225-208 and L. 22-10-62.
Options giving the right to purchase securities which are not admitted to trading on a regulated market may only be granted to employees of the company granting such options or to employees of the companies referred to in 1° of Article L. 225-180.