An employee of the company may only be appointed as a director if his employment contract corresponds to actual employment. He shall not lose the benefit of such employment contract. Any appointment made in violation of the provisions of this paragraph shall be null and void. Such nullity shall not entail the nullity of the deliberations in which the director irregularly appointed took part.
The number of directors bound to the company by a contract of employment may not exceed one third of the directors in office.
However, directors elected by employees or appointed pursuant to Article L. 225-27-1, directors representing employee shareholders or the company mutual fund pursuant to article L. 225-23 and, in sociétés anonymes à participation ouvrière, the representatives of the société coopérative de main-d’oeuvre are not counted when determining the number of directors bound to the company by an employment contract referred to in the previous paragraph.
In the event of a merger or demerger, the employment contract may have been concluded with one of the merged companies or with the demerged company.