The labour shares are the collective property of the salaried staff, formed into a labour cooperative company. This labour company must and exclusively includes all employees who have been linked to the company for at least one year and who are over eighteen years of age. The loss of salaried employment deprives the participant, without compensation, of all his rights in the labour cooperative. The liquidation of the rights which have been acquired in the company by the person concerned prior to his departure, during the last financial year, is made taking into account the time spent by him during this financial year, and the provisions of Article L. 225-269.
When a company is set up, from the outset, in the form of a “société anonyme à participation ouvrière”, the Articles of Association of the “société anonyme” must provide for the reservation, until the end of the year, of the shares allocated to the employees as a group. At the end of this period, the shares are handed over to the legally constituted workers’ cooperative.
Dividends allocated to employees who are part of the workers’ cooperative are distributed among them in accordance with the rules laid down by the workers’ cooperative’s articles of association and the decisions of its general meetings. However, the articles of association of the public limited company must provide that, prior to any distribution of dividends, a sum corresponding to that which the paid-up capital would produce at the interest rate they set shall be deducted from the profits for the benefit of the holders of capital shares.
The statutory auditor of the société anonyme shall certify, in a report drawn up within six months of the date of the ordinary general meeting provided for in Article L. 225-100, that dividends allocated to employees who are members of the société coopérative de main d’œuvre have been allocated in accordance with the rules laid down by the latter’s articles of association and the decisions of its general meeting.
Under no circumstances may labour shares be allocated individually to employees of the company who are members of the labour cooperative.