The office of director elected by the employees or appointed pursuant to article L. 225-27-1 is incompatible with any office as trade union delegate, member of the works council, member of the group works council, employee delegate or member of the company’s health, safety and working conditions committee. It is also incompatible with any mandate as a member of a European Works Council, if one exists, or, for European companies within the meaning of article L. 2351-1 of the Labour Code, as a member of the employee representation body referred to in article L. 2352-16 of the same code or as a member of a committee of the European Company mentioned in l’article L. 2353-1 dudit code. A director who, at the time of his election or appointment pursuant to Article L. 225-27-1 of this Code, holds one or more of these offices must resign within eight days. If he fails to do so, he shall be deemed to have resigned from his directorship.