In the event of a capital increase for cash, with the exception of that reserved for employees on the basis of article L. 225-138-1, new preference shares without voting rights and with the same rights as the investment certificates are issued in such numbers that the proportion that existed before the increase between ordinary shares and investment certificates is maintained, taking into account these preference shares, after the increase on the assumption that it will be fully completed.
The owners of the investment certificates shall have, in proportion to the number of shares they own, a preferential right to the irreducible subscription of these new preference shares. At a special meeting called and held in accordance with the rules of an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, the holders of investment certificates may waive this right. Unsubscribed preference shares are allocated by the Board of Directors or the Management Board. The capital increase shall be assessed on the basis of the portion corresponding to the issue of shares. However, notwithstanding the provisions of the first paragraph above, where the owners of certificates have waived their preferential subscription rights, no new preference shares shall be issued.