When a company is involved in a merger operation, as defined inarticle L. 430-1 of the French Commercial Code, the employer shall convene a meeting of the social and economic committee at the latest within three days of the publication of the notification of the proposed merger, issued either by the French administrative authority pursuant to article L. 430-3 of the same code, or by the European Commission pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) no. 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on mergers.
During this meeting, the social and economic committee or, where applicable, the economic committee may propose the use of a chartered accountant under the conditions set out in articles L. 2315-92 and L. 2315-93. In this case, the works council or economic committee holds a second meeting to hear the results of the expert’s work.
The provisions of the first paragraph are deemed to be satisfied when the social and economic committee meets following the filing of a takeover bid in application of the provisions of sub-paragraph 5.