The commune’s budgets remain deposited at the town hall and, where applicable, at the annexed town hall where they are made available on site to the public within fifteen days of their adoption or, where applicable, their notification after settlement by the State representative in the department.
The public is notified of the availability of these documents by any means of publicity chosen by the mayor.
In communes of 3,500 inhabitants or more, budget documents, without prejudice to the provisions of article L. 2343-2, are appended with:
1° Summary data on the financial situation of the municipality;
2° A list of assistance granted by the municipality in the form of benefits in kind or subsidies. This document is attached to the administrative account only;
3° An aggregated presentation of the results for the last known financial year of the commune’s main budget and annex budgets. This document is attached to the administrative account only;
4° Of the list of bodies for which the commune:
a) holds a share of the capital;
b) has guaranteed a loan;
c) has paid a grant of more than 75,000 euros or representing more than 50% of the income shown in the body’s profit and loss account.
The list shall indicate the name, corporate name and legal nature of the body and the nature and amount of the financial commitment made by the municipality;
5° Repealed;
6° A table showing the outstanding loans guaranteed by the municipality and the repayment schedule;
7° A list of public service delegates;
8° The table of property acquisitions and disposals referred to in c of Article L. 300-5 du code de l’urbanisme;
9° A schedule showing all the financial commitments of the local authority or public body resulting from the partnership contracts provided for in Article L. 1414-1 ;
10° A schedule showing the debt linked to the investment portion of the partnership contracts.
When an amending decision or the supplementary budget has the effect of modifying the content of one of the appendices, it must be produced again for the vote on the amending decision or the supplementary budget.
In these same communes of 3,500 inhabitants or more, the documents referred to in 1° are the subject of an insertion in a local publication distributed in the commune.
The communes mentioned in the previous paragraph and having instituted the sweeping tax may trace in a single statement, instead of the allocation statement provided for in the same paragraph, on the one hand, the income collected mentioned in the said paragraph plus the income from the sweeping tax, and, on the other hand, the direct and indirect expenses relating to the exercise of the public service of waste collection and treatment, as well as those occasioned by the sweeping of the surface of roads delivered to public traffic.
For the application of the previous two paragraphs, the income tracked does not include additional taxes established in respect of the previous financial year(s).
Municipalities and their groupings of 10,000 inhabitants or more having instituted the household waste removal tax in accordance with articles 1520,1609 quater, 1609 quinquies C and 1379-0 bis of the General Tax Code and which provide at least household waste collection retrace in a special statement appended to the budget documents, on the one hand, the revenue received from the aforementioned tax and the grants and contributions received for the financing of the service, linked in particular to sales of energy or materials, support received from eco-organisations or public aid, and on the other hand, the direct and indirect expenditure relating to the exercise of the aforementioned competence.
Public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation and municipalities that are signatories to city contracts defined in article 6 of Law no. 2014-173 of 21 February 2014 on programming for the city and urban cohesion present an annual statement, appended to their budget, tracing the income and expenditure corresponding to the commitments made under these contracts. This includes all the actions carried out and the resources contributed by the various parties to the contract, in particular the departments and regions, distinguishing the resources that come under urban policy from those that come under ordinary law.
For all municipalities, the budget documents are accompanied by statements on the assets and financial situation of the local authority as well as its various commitments.
A brief, summary presentation outlining the essential financial information is attached to the primary budget and the administrative account to enable citizens to grasp what is at stake.
The presentation provided for in the previous paragraph as well as the report sent to the municipal council on the occasion of the debate on the budget guidelines for the financial year provided for in Article L. 2312-1, the summary explanatory note appended to the primary budget and that appended to the administrative account, in accordance with article L. 2121-12, are placed online on the commune’s website, where it exists, after the adoption by the municipal council of the deliberations to which they relate and under conditions laid down by decree in the Council of State.
A decree in the Council of State lays down the conditions for the application of this article.