Les prélèvements opérés au profit de l’Etat, des communes, des établissements publics de coopération intercommunale, de la métropole de Lyon et des organismes sociaux et spécifiques aux jeux des casinos exploités en application des articles L. 321-1 et seq of the Internal Security Code are liquidated and paid monthly to a public accountant.
The levies are settled for each gaming season, which runs from 1st November to 31st October of the following year. No set-off is allowed between the amount of levies due in respect of a current gaming season and that for which the casino is liable in respect of a previous gaming season.
The levies are collected and controlled according to the same procedures and under the same sanctions, guarantees, securities and privileges as turnover taxes. Claims are presented, investigated and judged according to the rules applicable to these same taxes.
A decree shall lay down the conditions for the application of this article.