In order to finance the increase in the flat-rate allocation mentioned in the first paragraph of III of article L. 2334-7, the inter-municipality allocation mentioned in the first paragraph of article L. 5211-28 and, where applicable, the balance of the development allowance provided for in the third paragraph of Article L. 2334-13, the Local Finance Committee sets, for each financial year, the overall amount of the reduction applied to the flat-rate allowance of municipalities, pursuant to the last paragraph of III of Article L. 2334-7 and, where necessary, determines a percentage reduction applied to the amounts received by the public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation corresponding to the amounts previously received under I of D of article 44 of the 1999 Finance Act (no. 98-1266 du 30 décembre 1998), pursuant to the second paragraph of Article L. 5211-28-1.
If these measures are insufficient, the overall amount of the reduction provided for in the last paragraph of III of article L. 2334-7 and, where applicable, the percentage reduction provided for in the second paragraph of article L. 5211-28-1 are increased accordingly.