The nullity of a company or of a deed amending the articles may only result from an express provision of this Book or of the laws governing the nullity of contracts. In the case of sociétés à responsabilité limitée and sociétés par actions, the nullity of the company may not result from a defect in consent or from incapacity, unless such incapacity affects all the founding members. Nor may the nullity of the company result from clauses prohibited by Article 1844-1 of the Civil Code.
The nullity of acts or deliberations other than those provided for in the previous paragraph may only result from the violation of a mandatory provision of this book, with the exception of the first sentence of the first paragraph of article L. 225-35 and the third sentence of the first paragraph of article L. 225-64, or the laws governing contracts, with the exception of the last paragraph of article 1833 of the Civil Code.