The lease contract is recorded in a notarial or private deed subject to the registration procedure. On pain of nullity, it includes particulars, the list of which is set by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
It is made enforceable against the company in the forms provided for in Article 1690 of the Civil Code.
The delivery of the shares or units is made on the date on which, in the register of registered shares of the joint stock company or in the articles of association of the limited liability company, next to the name of the shareholder or partner, the mention of the lease and the name of the lessee is entered. From this date, the company must send the lessee the information due to shareholders or partners and provide for his participation and vote at meetings in accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of article L. 239-3.
The shares or units leased are subject to a valuation at the beginning and end of the contract, and at the end of each accounting period when the lessor is a legal entity. This valuation is carried out on the basis of criteria taken from the company accounts. It is certified by a statutory auditor.