A union is created between the sections of the same commune, provided that their union commission has been set up, at the request of the town council or one or more sections, by concordant deliberations of the union commissions, which lay down the procedures for the management of property and the allocation of income.
The union of sections, a legal entity governed by public law, is administered by a committee comprising the mayor of the municipality and two elected representatives of each union committee. The committee elects its chairman from among its members.
The committee replaces the syndicate commissions in the areas provided for in articles L. 2411-6 and L. 2411-7, with the exception of sales, exchanges, acceptance of gifts and signature of contracts between sections of the commune.
The abolition of a union of sections is carried out in the same manner as its creation.
A section of a commune may withdraw from a union of sections under the conditions set out in Article L. 5211-19 for the withdrawal of a commune from a syndicate of communes.