The opinion of the Conseil d’Arrondissement is sought on presentation reports and draft resolutions concerning matters which are to be carried out, in whole or in part, within the boundaries of the arrondissement, prior to their consideration by the Conseil Municipal or by the Conseil de Paris and subject to the special rules for the preparation of the budget of the municipality set out in section 2 of this chapter.
The Conseil d’Arrondissement issues its opinion within the time limit set by the Mayor of the municipality or by the Mayor of Paris. Except in the case of an emergency duly recorded by the municipal council or the Paris council, this period may not be less than fifteen days from the date of referral to the arrondissement council. In the absence of an opinion within this period, the City Council or the Paris City Council shall deliberate.
The Borough Council shall be provided with the documents relating to the matters submitted to it. The opinion of the arrondissement council or, failing this, the document proving that the matter was referred to it within the time limit, is attached to the draft deliberation and is appended to the deliberation of the city council or Paris council.