I. – Articles L. 2331-5to L. 2331-8, the first paragraph of article L. 2331-9 and article L. 2331-10 are applicable to the communes of French Polynesia subject to the adaptations provided for in II to VI.
II. – For its application in French Polynesia, Article L. 2331-5 reads as follows:
“Art.L. 2331-5. The tax revenues of the investment section include the amount of contributions to public facilities expenditure provided for by locally applicable provisions. “
III. – For the application of article L. 2331-6 :
1° 1°, 5°, 6° and 7° are deleted;
2° 2°, 4° and 8° become 1°, 2° and 3° respectively;
3° A 4° is added as follows:
“4° Proceeds from the distribution of the intercommunal equalisation fund provided for in Article L. 2573-51 “;
IV. – For the application of article L. 2331-8, 9° is deleted.
V. – For the application of the first paragraph of article L. 2331-9, the reference: “2°” is replaced by the reference: “1°” and the dates: “1997” and: “1st January 1996” respectively by the dates: “2009” and “1st January 2008”.
VI. – For the application of article L. 2331-10:
1° The references: “to 1° and 2° of” are replaced by the word: “to”, the references: “to 1° and 6°” are replaced by the references: “to 2°, 3° and 4°”, the reference: “to 9°” is replaced by the references: “to 4° and 6°”;
2° A second paragraph is added as follows:
“When the expenditure provided for in 27°, 28° and 29° of Article L. 2321-2 result in an increase in operating expenditure of more than 0.75% of the actual operating revenue shown in the budget for the previous financial year, the expenditure exceeding this threshold may be deferred. “