I. – The articles L. 2334-26 to L. 2334-30 are applicable to the communes of French Polynesia subject to the adaptations provided for in II and III.
II. – For the application of article L. 2334-27, in the third paragraph, the words: “l’indemnité communale prévue par l’article L. 921-2 du code de l’éducation” are replaced by the words: “une indemnité aux instituteurs non logés, dont les conditions d’attribution sont fixées par décret”.
III. – For the application of article L. 2334-29 :
1° The second paragraph reads as follows:
“Out of the sums relating to the second part, the High Commissioner shall pay a communal allowance to schoolteachers who are not housed. “
2° In the third paragraph, the words: “Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale” are replaced by the words: “haut-commissaire”.