Unless otherwise stipulated, the procedures for applying this chapter are laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, in particular :
a) The content and procedures for drawing up and triggering the arrangements for organising the response of the healthcare system in the event of an exceptional health situation, known as “ORSAN” ;
b) The content and procedures for drawing up plans detailing the measures to be implemented in the event of an event leading to a disruption in the organisation of care, in particular during exceptional health situations by health establishments and by the medico-social establishments and services mentioned in the last paragraph of article L. 311-8 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles ;
c) The role and method of designation of reference health establishments responsible for providing advice and specific care in the event of an exceptional health situation;
d) The conditions under which healthcare professionals may be called upon to carry out their activities in application of article L. 3131-10-1;
e) The content and procedures for drawing up the zonal mobilisation plan.