The departmental council may delegate some of its powers to the standing committee, with the exception of those referred to in articles L. 3312-1 et L. 1612-12 to L. 1612-15. It may modify the list of powers thus delegated during its term of office.
Within the limits it has set, the departmental council may also delegate to its president the power:
1° To carry out borrowings to finance the investments provided for in the budget, and to carry out financial transactions useful for managing borrowings, including interest rate and exchange rate hedging transactions, and to pass the necessary acts to this end;
2° To carry out lines of credit on the basis of a maximum amount authorised by the Departmental Council;
3° To take the decisions referred to in III of Article L. 1618-2 and in a of article L. 2221-5-1, subject to the provisions of c of the same article;
4° To determine and modify the allocation of the local authority’s properties used by its public services;
5° To set, within the limits determined by the deliberative assembly, the rates for road tolls, temporary deposits on roads and other public places and, in general, for duties provided for the benefit of the local authority which are not of a fiscal nature.
6° To set, within the limits determined by the deliberative assembly, the rates for road tolls, temporary deposits on roads and other public places and, in general, for duties provided for the benefit of the local authority which are not of a fiscal nature;
6° To decide on the conclusion and revision of leases of goods for a term not exceeding twelve years;
7° To accept compensation for claims relating to insurance contracts;
8° To create, modify or abolish the accounting departments necessary for the operation of the local authority’s services;
9° To accept gifts and legacies that are not subject to conditions or charges, without prejudice to the provisions of Article L. 3221-10 which allow it to do so as a precautionary measure, whatever the conditions and charges;
10° To decide on the disposal by mutual agreement of movable property up to €4,600;
11° Without prejudice to the provisions of Article L. 3213-2, to set, within the limits of the estimate of the tax authorities (domaines), the amount of the local authority’s offers to be notified to the expropriated parties and to respond to their requests;
12° To set the resumption of alignments in application of a town planning document;
13° To allocate or withdraw scholarships maintained on departmental funds;
14° To take the decisions mentioned in articles L. 523-4 and L. 523-5 of the French Heritage Code relating to the carrying out of preventive archaeological diagnoses prescribed for development operations or works on the territory of the department and to conclude the agreement provided for in article L. 523-7 of the same code;
15° To authorise, on behalf of the department, the renewal of membership of associations of which it is a member;
16° To apply to the State or other local authorities, under the conditions set by the departmental council, for the allocation of grants;
17° To proceed, within the limits set by the departmental council, with the submission of applications for planning permission relating to the demolition, conversion or erection of departmental property;
18° To write off the revenue vouchers, or certain categories of them, presented by the public accountant, each of these vouchers corresponding to an irrecoverable debt of an amount lower than a threshold set by deliberation of the departmental council, which may not be higher than a threshold set by decree. This same decree specifies the procedures according to which the chairman reports to the departmental council on the exercise of this delegation;
19° To authorise the special mandates that the members of the departmental council may be required to exercise in the context of their duties, as well as the reimbursement of related expenses provided for in the fourth and penultimate paragraphs of article L. 3123-19 of the present code.
The chairman informs the council of the acts taken in the context of these delegations.
Delegations granted in application of 1° of the present article end as soon as the election campaign for the renewal of the departmental council begins.