As part of its regulatory and monitoring role in the fields of technical measures for the protection and identification of works and objects protected by copyright or related rights, the Autorité de régulation de la communication audiovisuelle et numérique performs the following functions:
1° It ensures that the technical measures referred to in Article L. 331-5 do not, as a result of their mutual incompatibility or their inability to interoperate, result in limitations in the use of a work that are additional to and independent of those expressly decided by the holder of a copyright in a work other than software or by the holder of a neighbouring right in a performance, phonogram, videogram, programme or press publication ;
2° It shall ensure that the implementation of technological protection measures does not have the effect of depriving the beneficiaries of the exceptions defined in :
-2°, e of 3°, 7°, 8°, 10° and 12° of Article L. 122-5;
-2°, d and e of 3°, 6°, 7° and 8° of article L. 211-3;
-3°, 4°, 4° bis, 5° and 6° of Article L. 342-3;
and Article L. 331-4.
It also ensures that the implementation of technical protection measures does not have the effect of depriving beneficiary persons of the exception of reproduction for the purposes of collection, preservation and on-site consultation mentioned in 2° of Article L. 132-4 and Articles L. 132-5 and L. 132-6 of the Heritage Code.
Subject to Articles L. 331-7 to L. 331-10, L. 331-30 to L. 331-32 and L. 331-34 of this code, the authority determines the terms and conditions for exercising the aforementioned exceptions and in particular sets the minimum number of copies authorised under the private copy exception, depending on the type of work or object protected, the various means of communication to the public and the possibilities offered by the protection techniques available.