The officers mentioned in article L. 1312-1 of this Code and article L. 8112-1 of the Labour Code shall ensure compliance with articles L. 3512-8, L. 3512-12, L. 3513-5 and L. 3513-6 of this Code and the regulations adopted for its application, and shall investigate and record any breaches of these provisions.
To this end, they have the prerogatives granted to them by articles L. 1312-1 of this Code, L. 8113-1 to L. 8113-5 and L. 8113-7 of the Labour Code and by the texts adopted for their application.
In order to establish an infringement of articles L. 3512-12 and L. 3513-5, these officers may require the customer to provide proof of his or her majority, by producing any official document bearing a photograph.