I. – When a healthcare professional who has ceased to be covered by the provisions of article L. 4138-2 of the Defence Code, applies to be entered on the roll of a professional association or on one of the lists drawn up by the regional health agencies, the armed forces health service will provide this association or agency with any information strictly necessary to enable them to check that the person concerned:
1° Meets the necessary conditions of competence and good character referred to in this code;
2° Does not have any professional shortcomings, infirmity or pathological condition making it dangerous to practise the profession.
In particular, the Armed Forces Medical Corps will forward any information relating to professional sanctions that may have been imposed on the person concerned.
II. – When a healthcare professional requests to be removed from the roll of a professional association or from one of the lists drawn up by the regional health agencies because he/she is likely to come under the provisions of article L. 4138-2 of the same code, this association or agency shall provide the Armed Forces Medical Corps with all information strictly necessary to enable it to verify that the person concerned:
1° Meets the necessary conditions of competence and good character mentioned in this code;
2° Does not have any professional shortcomings, infirmity or pathological condition making it dangerous to practise the profession.
In particular, the association concerned will forward to the Armed Forces Medical Corps any information relating to professional sanctions that may have been imposed on the person concerned or decisions taken concerning him/her as provided for in articles L. 4112-1, L. 4112-3, L. 4112-4 and L. 4124-11 of this code.
III. – When a healthcare professional falls into one of the statutory situations mentioned in article L. 4061-3, he/she will inform the relevant Association or Regional Health Agency.
The Association and the Armed Forces Medical Corps will forward to each other information relating to professional sanctions imposed on this professional.
The Armed Forces Medical Corps, the Association or the Regional Health Agency concerned will also immediately exchange the necessary information, where the practice of this professional exposes his patients to danger, so that they can take appropriate measures, if necessary, each in their own field.
IV. – When the treatment of a patient in the context of cooperation between the armed forces health service and any other health care provider is likely to result in a professional sanction, the Minister of Defence and the professional association or regional health agency concerned will exchange the information strictly necessary for the competent authority to reach a decision.
V. – The procedures for applying this article are determined, where applicable, by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, issued after consulting the councils of the professional orders.