The Conseil départemental de l’ordre exercises, within the framework of the département and under the supervision of the Conseil national, the general powers of the ordre, listed in article L. 4121-2.
It decides on entries on the roll.
It authorises the President of the Association to take legal action, to accept all donations and legacies to the Association, to settle or compromise, to agree to all disposals or mortgages and to take out all loans.
It may, before all courts, exercise all the rights reserved to the civil party in relation to acts directly or indirectly prejudicial to the collective interest of the medical profession, including in the case of threats or violence committed because of membership of one of these professions.
Under no circumstances does it have any knowledge of the actions, attitudes or political or religious opinions of members of the Order.
It may set up coordinating bodies with the other departmental councils of the order, under the supervision of the national council.