If, through their own actions, the members of a departmental council make it impossible for the council to function, the director general of the regional health agency, acting on a proposal from the Conseil national de l’ordre, may, by order, dissolve the departmental council. In the event of the dissolution of the departmental council or in the event of the resignation of all its members, the director general appoints, on the recommendation of the Conseil national de l’ordre, a delegation of three to five members, depending on the size of the council. This delegation assumes the functions of the departmental council until the election of a new council organised without delay by the National Council.
If the majority of the members of this delegation resign, the delegation is automatically dissolved and the National Council organises new elections without delay. Until such time as a new departmental council takes up its duties, registration on the roll of the ordre is decided by the Conseil national de l’ordre, in accordance with the procedure laid down in articles L. 4112-1 et seq., after obtaining the opinion of the doctor, dental surgeon or midwife designated by the director general of the regional health agency. All other powers of the departmental council are then devolved to the National Council.