At least twelve days before the meeting of the Regional Council, the President shall send the Regional Councillors a report, in whatever form, on each of the matters to be submitted to them.
Projects on which the regional economic, social and environmental council must be consulted beforehand are sent simultaneously, in whatever form, to the members of the regional council.
The reports and drafts referred to in the previous two paragraphs may be made available to councillors who so wish by secure electronic means; this availability is the subject of a notice sent to each of these councillors under the conditions set out in the first paragraph.
Without prejudice to the provisions of article L. 4132-17, in urgent cases, the time limit provided for in the first paragraph may be shortened by the Chairman but may not be less than one clear day.
The Chairman reports to the Regional Council at the start of the meeting, which decides on the urgency of the matter and may decide to refer all or part of the discussion to the agenda for a later meeting.