I. – Medical auxiliaries covered by Titles I to VII of this Book may engage in advanced practice:
1° As part of a primary care team coordinated by the attending physician or as part of a care team at an armed forces health service medical centre coordinated by an armed forces physician;
2° As part of a care team in health establishments, medico-social establishments or armed forces hospitals coordinated by a physician;
3° As part of the assistance of a specialist physician, outside primary care, in outpatient practice;
4° Assisting an occupational physician, within an occupational health and prevention service.
A decree in the Conseil d’Etat, issued after consultation with the Académie nationale de médecine, the Haute Autorité de santé, the orders of the health professions and representatives of the health professionals concerned, defines for each profession of medical auxiliary:
1° The areas of intervention in advanced practice, which may include :
a) Guidance, education, prevention or screening activities ;
b) Assessment and clinical conclusions, technical procedures and clinical and para-clinical monitoring;
c) prescriptions for health products and services, whether or not subject to compulsory medical prescription, prescriptions for complementary examinations and renewals or adaptations of medical prescriptions;
2° The conditions and rules for advanced practice.
II – The professionals mentioned in I above may engage in advanced practice if they can prove that they have been practising their profession for a minimum period and hold a diploma in advanced practice training issued by a university accredited for this purpose under the conditions mentioned in III.
Persons who have obtained a training qualification required for advanced practice are required to register with the service or body designated for this purpose by the Minister for Health, prior to practising their profession.
The nature of the diploma, the minimum period of professional practice and the procedures for obtaining the diploma and recognising the professional qualifications of European nationals are defined by decree.
III-Any university providing training leading to the award of a diploma in advanced practice must have been accredited for this purpose on the basis of training standards defined by a joint order of the ministers responsible for health and higher education, as part of the accreditation procedure for its training provision.
IV – The professional and ethical rules of each profession, as well as those common to all healthcare professionals, in particular those set out in articles L. 1110-4 and L. 1111-2, remain applicable subject, where applicable, to specific provisions or necessary adaptation measures adopted by decree by the Conseil d’Etat.
Professionals acting within the framework of advanced practice are responsible for the acts they perform within this framework.