The adopted budget and administrative account are made public.
The place where the documents are made available to the public is the regional headquarters. These documents may also be made available to the public in each department, in a public place.
A brief, summary presentation outlining the essential financial information is attached to the primary budget and the administrative account to enable citizens to grasp what is at stake.
The presentation provided for in the third paragraph of this article as well as the report sent to the regional council on the occasion of the debate on the budget guidelines for the financial year provided for in article L. 4312-1, the report appended to the initial budget and the report appended to the administrative account, in accordance with article L. 4132-18, are made available online on the region’s website, where one exists, after the adoption by the regional council of the deliberations to which they relate and under conditions laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.