The practice of physiotherapy involves health promotion, prevention, physiotherapy diagnosis and treatment of :
1° Movement or motor disorders of the person ;
2° Deficiencies or alterations in functional capacities.
The masseur-physiotherapist may also contribute to initial and continuing training as well as to research.
The masseur-physiotherapist carries out his activity with complete independence and full responsibility in accordance with the code of ethics mentioned in article L. 4321-21.
In the context of hereditary, congenital or acquired, stabilised or progressive pathologies involving an alteration in functional capacities, the masseur-physiotherapist implements manual, instrumental and educational means and participates in their coordination.
In the practice of his art, only the masseur-physiotherapist is authorised to use the disciplinary knowledge and associated educational and re-educational know-how in masso-physiotherapy which he considers most appropriate to the situation and the person, in compliance with the aforementioned code of ethics.
The definition of professional masso-physiotherapy acts, including medical acts prescribed by a doctor, is specified by a decree of the Conseil d’Etat, after consulting the Académie nationale de médecine.
When acting with a therapeutic aim, the masseur-physiotherapist practises his art on the basis of a medical prescription and may adapt, unless otherwise indicated by the doctor, in the context of a renewal, the initial medical prescriptions for acts of massage-physiotherapy dating back less than one year. He may prescribe health products, including nicotine substitutes, necessary for the practice of his profession, unless otherwise indicated by the doctor. The list of these health products is set by order of the ministers responsible for health and social security, after consulting the Académie nationale de médecine.
Notwithstanding the ninth paragraph of this article, in the health establishments mentioned in article L. 6111-1 of this code, in the social and medico-social establishments and services mentioned in articles L. 312-1 and L. 344-1 of the code de l’action sociale et des familles and within the framework of the coordinated practice structures mentioned in articles L. 1411-11-1, L. 6323-1 and L. 6323-3 of the present code, the masseur-physiotherapist practises his art without a medical prescription, up to a limit of eight sessions per patient, in cases where the patient has not had a prior medical diagnosis. An initial assessment and a report on the treatment provided by the masseur-physiotherapist are systematically sent to the patient’s general practitioner and to the patient, and recorded in the patient’s shared medical file.
Unless otherwise indicated by the doctor, the masseur-physiotherapist may renew and adapt the initial medical prescriptions for adapted physical activity, under conditions defined by decree.
In the event of an emergency and in the absence of a doctor, the masseur-physiotherapist is authorised to perform the first necessary acts of physiotherapy. A report of the acts performed under these conditions is given to the doctor as soon as he intervenes.