In each region, a regional or inter-regional council of the Order of chiropodists represents the profession in the region. Its head office is located in the department in which the regional health agency has its head office, unless otherwise stipulated by a decision of the National Council. The regional or inter-regional council exercises, under the supervision of the national council, the general powers of the ordre listed in article L. 4322-7. It shall decide on entries on the roll. It authorises the President of the Association to institute legal proceedings, to accept all donations and legacies to the Association, to settle or compromise, to agree to all disposals or mortgages and to take out all loans. Under no circumstances shall it have any knowledge of the actions, attitudes or political or religious opinions of members of the Association. It may set up coordinating bodies with the other regional or inter-regional councils of the Association, under the supervision of the National Council. It shall disseminate rules of good practice to professionals.
Decisions by the regional or interregional council on applications for entry on the roll may be appealed to the national council, by the applicant chiropodist in the case of a refusal to enter, or by the national council in the case of a decision to enter.
The time limit for appeal to the national council is thirty days.
The regional or inter-regional council organises initiatives to evaluate professional practice in conjunction with the national council and the Haute Autorité de santé, which develops or validates evaluation methods and guidelines. To carry out this task, the regional or inter-regional council will call on professionals who have been accredited for this purpose by the Haute Autorité de santé. At the request of the professionals concerned, the accredited professionals carry out individual or group assessments of practices.
The regional or inter-regional council is made up of members elected from among chiropodists registered as private practitioners and among chiropodists registered as salaried employees who meet the conditions laid down in article L. 4322-11-1.
The regional or inter-regional council includes a disciplinary chamber of first instance, chaired by a member of the administrative courts and administrative courts of appeal appointed by the vice-president of the Conseil d’Etat. One or more alternates are appointed under the same conditions.
The Disciplinary Chamber of First Instance sits in the regional or inter-regional council to which it belongs and hearings are held in the département where the council has its seat. It is made up of full assessors and an equal number of alternate assessors. The assessors must be of French nationality.
As far as chiropodists are concerned, this chamber has the same powers as the disciplinary chambers of first instance of the orders of the medical professions.
The disciplinary chamber of first instance is composed of a number of chiropodists set by regulation.
It comprises members elected by the regional or inter-regional council where the chamber has its seat from among the members and former members of the regional and inter-regional councils of the Order.
Where disputes concern relations between professionals and users, the Disciplinary Chamber is assisted by two user representatives appointed by the Minister for Health.