The competent authority may, after obtaining the opinion of a committee composed in particular of professionals, individually authorise to practise the profession of orthoptist nationals of a Member State of the European Union or of another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area who, without possessing the certificate provided for in Article L. 4342-3, hold :
1° Evidence of formal qualifications issued by one or more Member States or Contracting Parties and required by the competent authorities of those Member States or Contracting Parties, which regulate access to or practice of this profession, enabling them to carry out these duties legally in those States ;
2° Or, where the persons concerned have practised in one or more Member States or Parties which do not regulate training for, access to or practice of this profession, evidence of formal qualifications issued by one or more Member States or Parties attesting to preparation for the practice of the profession, accompanied by proof, in those States, of full-time practice for one year or part-time practice for an equivalent total period over the previous ten years;
3° Or evidence of formal qualifications issued by a third country and recognised in a Member State or Party other than France, enabling the profession to be legally practised there. The person concerned must provide proof of having practised the profession for three years full-time or part-time for an equivalent total period in that Member State or Party.
In such cases, where examination of the professional qualifications attested by all the evidence of initial training, relevant professional experience and lifelong training validated by a competent body reveals substantial differences in relation to the qualifications required for access to and practice of the profession in France, the competent authority will require the person concerned to undergo a compensatory measure.
Depending on the level of qualification required in France and that held by the person concerned, the competent authority may either offer the applicant a choice between an adaptation period or an aptitude test, or impose an adaptation period or an aptitude test, or impose an adaptation period and an aptitude test.
The nature of the compensatory measures according to the levels of qualification in France and in the other Member States or Parties is set by order of the Minister for Health.
The issue of a licence allows the beneficiary to practise the profession under the same conditions as holders of the certificate referred to in Article L. 4342-3.