The diplomas, certificates or other evidence of formal qualifications referred to in article L. 4361-2 are the diplôme d’Etat d’audioprothésiste (State diploma in hearing-aid acoustics) awarded after preparatory studies and tests, the syllabus of which is laid down by decree, or any other diploma, certificate or other evidence of formal qualifications enabling the practice of medicine in France.
Hearing-aid acousticians may use their evidence of formal qualifications in the language of the State which issued them. He must indicate the place and establishment where it was obtained.
Where the evidence of formal qualifications from the Member State or part of the Member State of origin is liable to be confused with evidence of formal qualifications requiring additional training in France, the competent authority may decide that the hearing-aid acoustician shall refer to the evidence of formal qualifications from the Member State or part of the Member State of origin in an appropriate form which it shall specify.
The person concerned will bear the professional title of hearing aid acoustician.