Any breach of the provisions of articles L. 441-3 to L. 441-5 is punishable by an administrative fine of up to €75,000 for a natural person and €375,000 for a legal entity.
The maximum fine incurred is increased to €150,000 for a natural person and €750,000 for a legal entity if the breach is repeated within two years of the date on which the first penalty decision became final.
By way of derogation from the first two paragraphs of this article, for the products mentioned in I of article L. 441-4, failure to comply with the 1 March deadline stipulated in IV of article L. 441-3 is punishable by an administrative fine of up to €200,000 for a natural person and €1,000,000 for a legal entity. The maximum fine incurred is increased to €400,000 for a natural person and €2,000,000 for a legal entity if the breach is repeated within two years of the date on which the first penalty decision became final.