I.-When a public establishment created on the basis of article L. 4433-14 succeeds a public administrative establishment, all the rights, property and obligations of the public administrative establishment may be transferred to the public industrial and commercial establishment, on the date of its creation, under the conditions provided for by deliberation of the local authority which created them.
This transfer is made free of charge and gives rise to the payment of no duty, tax or charge of any kind.
This transfer is made free of charge and does not give rise to the payment of any duty, tax or charge of any kind whatsoever. Nor does it give rise to the payment of the contribution provided for in Article 879 of the General Tax Code.
II -Par dérogation à l’article L. 1224-3-1 du code du travail, les agents non titulaires de droit public employés par l’établissement public administratif à la date de la délibération portant création du nouvel établissement peuvent opter, dans un délai de six mois à compter de cette même date, pour la conserver du bénéfice de leur contrat de droit public.