The portions defined in 2° of A, 2° of B and C of Article L. 4434-3 and intended for the region, the department and the communes respectively undergo an increase at least equal to that of the department’s overall operating allocation or, if the increase in the department’s overall operating allocation is greater than that of the proceeds of the tax for the year in question, to that of the proceeds of the tax.
The remainder of the tax that would appear after this allocation is subject to a second allocation between the region, the département and the communes, before 31 January of the following year, in proportion to their respective principal shares.
In the départements of Guadeloupe, Mayotte and La Réunion, the first year in which a share of the proceeds of the tax is allocated under the conditions provided for in D of article L. 4434-3, the preceding paragraphs shall not be applied. The distribution between the parties defined in 2° of A, 2° of B and C of article L. 4434-3 is then made in proportion to their respective shares of the previous year.