Unless otherwise provided, when a professional mentioned in the first paragraph of this article is authorised to carry out an activity for which the remuneration is subject to a tariff specific to another category of auxiliary of justice or public or ministerial officer, his remuneration is set in accordance with the rules of the said tariff. The services provided by the persons mentioned in the second paragraph of Article L. 811-2 and in the first paragraph of II of article L. 812-2 are remunerated in accordance with the regulated tariffs applicable to administrators and judicial representatives.
Unless otherwise provided, the services provided by the professionals mentioned in the first paragraph of this article in competition with those of other professionals not subject to a tariff are not subject to a regulated tariff. The fees for these services shall take account, in accordance with custom, of the client’s financial situation, the difficulty of the case, the costs incurred by the professionals concerned, their reputation and their diligence. The professionals concerned conclude a written fee agreement with their client, which specifies, in particular, the amount or the method of determining the fees covering the foreseeable work, as well as the various costs and disbursements envisaged.