The occupational health and prevention service is administered jointly by a board composed of :
1° Employers’ representatives appointed by the representative organisations at national and cross-industry level from among the member companies. For prevention and occupational health services intended to cover a field not exceeding that of a professional branch, these representatives are appointed by the employers’ professional organisations recognised as representative at the level of this branch. For prevention and occupational health services intended to cover a multioccupational sector, these representatives are appointed by the employers’ organisations recognised as representative at the level of this sector;
2° Representatives of the employees of member companies, appointed by the representative trade union organisations at national and cross-industry level.
The Chairman, who has a casting vote in the event of a tie, is elected from among the representatives mentioned in 1°. He must be in active service.
The treasurer and vice-chairman are elected from among the representatives mentioned in 2°.
The representatives mentioned in 1° and 2° may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
The terms of application of this article shall be determined by decree.