Workers benefiting from the enhanced individual monitoring system provided for in article L. 4624-2, or who have benefited from such monitoring during their working career, are examined by the occupational physician during a medical check-up, as soon as possible after they have ceased to be exposed to particular risks to their health or safety or, where applicable, before they retire.
The purpose of this medical examination is to establish traceability and an inventory, to date, of the exposure to one or more occupational risk factors mentioned in article L. 4161-1 to which the worker has been exposed. If he finds that the worker has been exposed to certain dangerous risks, particularly chemical risks, mentioned in a of 2° of I of the same article L. 4161-1, the occupational physician sets up post-exposure or post-professional surveillance, in conjunction with the attending physician and the medical officer of the social security organisations. This monitoring takes into account the nature of the risk, the state of health and the age of the person concerned.
The procedures for applying this article are specified by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.