I. – The penalties provided for in A of I of Article L. 465-1 shall apply to any person who:
1° Provide or transmit false or misleading data or information used to calculate a benchmark index or information likely to distort the price of a financial instrument or an asset to which such an index is linked ;
2° Engaging in any other behaviour that results in the manipulation of the calculation of such an index.
A reference index is any publicly available or published rate, index or number that is determined periodically or regularly by the application of a formula or on the basis of the value of one or more underlying assets or prices, including estimates of actual or estimated prices, interest rates or other values, or survey data, and by reference to which the amount to be paid under a financial instrument or the value of a financial instrument is determined.
II. – Attempts to commit the offence referred to in I of this article are subject to the same penalties.