Investment firms, credit institutions, investment holding companies, financial holding companies and mixed financial holding companies, as well as their subsidiaries referred to in Article L. 511-48 that carry out transactions in financial instruments, shall assign organisational and operational rules to their internal units responsible for these transactions that ensure compliance with Articles L. 511-47 and L. 511-48.
In particular, they shall ensure that compliance with these rules is adequately monitored by the governance arrangements provided for in Article L. 511-55 or Article L. 533-29, and that the rules of conduct and other professional obligations assigned to their departments comply with Articles III and IV of Article L. 621-7.
They shall provide the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution and, insofar as it is concerned, the Autorité des marchés financiers with a description of these units and the organisational and operating rules assigned to them pursuant to the first paragraph of this article.
The Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution shall ensure that the organisational and operating rules include risk limits set for internal units carrying out transactions in financial instruments, which are consistent with their mandates.
The Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution shall also ensure that the remuneration of the staff responsible for these operations is set in a manner consistent with the organisational and operating rules assigned to the internal units mentioned in this article and does not encourage risk-taking unrelated to their objectives.