I A.-In application of articles L. 1111-2 and L. 1111-4, every person has the right to be informed about all contraceptive methods and to choose one freely.
All healthcare professionals are responsible for providing this information within the scope of their competence and in compliance with the professional rules applicable to them. Only in cases of urgency or where it is impossible to provide information may they be exempted.
I.-The consent of the holders of parental authority or, where applicable, the legal representative is not required for the prescription, issue or administration of contraceptives to minors.
The dispensing of contraceptives, the carrying out of medical biology tests with a view to a contraceptive prescription, the prescription of these tests or of a contraceptive, as well as their payment, are protected by confidentiality for minors.
Medicines for emergency contraception which are not subject to compulsory medical prescription may be dispensed free of charge to minors in pharmacies under conditions defined by decree. In secondary education establishments, nurses may, in application of a national protocol determined by decree, in cases of emergency, administer emergency contraception to pupils who are minors or adults. They provide psychological support for the pupil and ensure that medical follow-up is carried out, in particular by referring the pupil to a family planning or education centre.
II – Intra-uterine contraceptives, diaphragms and capes may only be supplied on prescription by a doctor or midwife and only in pharmacies or in the family planning or education centres mentioned in article L. 2311-4. A doctor or midwife must insert the diaphragm or cap for the first time.
Intrauterine contraceptives may only be inserted by a doctor or midwife. It is carried out either at the practitioner’s place of practice or in a health establishment or approved care centre.
III -Midwives are authorised to prescribe local contraceptives and hormonal contraceptives.
In university preventive medicine departments, medicines for emergency contraception may be dispensed under conditions defined by decree. Nurses working in these departments may issue and administer these medicines. These services provide psychological support for the student and ensure that medical follow-up is carried out.
IV – Reimbursement or reimbursement by social security bodies of emergency contraception drugs dispensed in pharmacies, accompanied by concise and easily understandable written information which must mention the consultation provided for in articles L. 162-8-1 and L. 162-4-5 of the Social Security Code and its reimbursement without advance payment, and included on the list provided for in the first paragraph of article L. 162-17 of the same code, is not subject to prescription.